Sunday, April 26, 2009

I´d like to know if a tuberose breast is beable to produce milk?

Yes, but it's possible that you'll have problems producing a full supply. I know a mom who had this problem and she ended up supplementing with donated milk.

From the link below:

Tubular hypoplastic breast

There is one exception to the rule about breast size/shape and breastfeeding ability, and that is that few women have insufficient glandular tissue in their breasts. In other words they simply don't have enough milk producing cells, and these women can then experience milk supply problems. This condition is called breast hypoplasia or hypoplastic breasts.

This kind of breast is underdeveloped (hypoplastic) in terms of the milk glands. They lack normal fullness and may look like 'empty sacks', and may seem bulbous or swollen at the tip. Many times hypoplastic breasts are widely spaced from each other, and narrow at the chest wall. Due to lack of glandular tissue, they have an elongated or tubular form, and often are quite small. The areola can be enlarged. There may be a significant asymmetry. The breasts don't grow during pregnancy and there is no engorgement when the milk is supposed to come in after giving birth.

Scientists don't yet know for sure the reason for this underdevelopment. One theory is that at least in some women it would be linked to too little progesterone, since progesterone mediates the growth of alveoli (milk making glands).

If you happen to have these tubular hypoplastic (under-developed) breasts, talk to a lactation consultant before giving birth. There are measures you can take to try increase your milk supply and your chances of breastfeeding, such as

have an unmedicated birth if possible, and put the baby to the breast right after birth

nurse often and on cue

start to pump about three days after birth

try the herbs fenugreek and blessed thistle or the drug domperidone

breast compression technique to stimulate more letdowns

Discuss these and other options with the lactation consultant. You may need to supplement with formula,so it is important to observe the baby's output of wet and dirty diapers and weight gain to make sure the baby is getting enough nutrition. Remember also to be happy for whatever breast milk you produce and not blame yourself - even a little is better than none! And if you don't get any milk at all (which does happen), remember it's not your fault. For this kind of situation we are thankful that the baby formula exists.

Plastic surgeons try to take the most out of women with hypoplastic breasts. Since it is a true medical condition, they try to push these women to get implants to correct the deformity. Having hypoplastic breasts is not any dangerous condition. They look different, and as explained above, women with hypoplastic/tubular breasts often have difficulties in producing enough milk.

It is understandable to feel bad when you have deformed breasts, and there's nothing wrong if you wish to have it corrected. Unfortunately the implants will only lessen the milk supply and the probability of successful breastfeeding, besides forcing the woman to go through several surgeries throughout her lifetime, and putting her to a high risk of serious complications and diseases.


From the book "The Breastfeeding Atlas" by Barbara Wilson-Clay and Kay Hoover -

"huggins prospctively studied 34 lactating women with abnormal-appearing breasts to see whether there is a relationship between breast hypoplasia and milk productin. they ofund that the majority of the women with some degree of hypoplasia and an intramammary distance of 1.5 dinches or more produced 50% or less of the milk necessary to sustain normal infant growth in the first week postpartum. Many of the women in the study reportd no pregnancy-related breast growth or changes. While some of these women did experience gradual increases in milk volume after careful management to maximize their production, 61% of the women were unable to produce a full supply within the first month. It is prudent to closely monitor the infant to insure adequate growth, and to provide extra assistance to the mother to encourage optimal milk produciton whenever physical markers such as hypoplastic breasts or a wide span between breasts are observed."

I´d like to know if a tuberose breast is beable to produce milk?

it can but not enough to feed your baby. here's a link to explain it and it has picture also
Reply:I've tried to look this up for you, and as far as I can tell, yes, but it isn't gauranteed. Talk to a lactation consultant before giving birth. There are measures you can take to try increase your milk supply and your chances of breastfeeding, such as

* have an unmedicated birth if possible, and put the baby to the breast right after birth

* nurse often and on cue

* start to pump about three days after birth

* try the herbs fenugreek and blessed thistle or the drug domperidone

* breast compression technique to stimulate more letdowns

Discuss these and other options with the lactation consultant. You may need to supplement with formula, so it is important to observe the baby's output of wet and dirty diapers and weight gain to make sure the baby is getting enough nutrition. Remember also to be happy for whatever breast milk you produce and not blame yourself - even a little is better than none! And if you don't get any milk at all (which does happen), remember it's not your fault. For this kind of situation we are thankful that the baby formula exists.

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